In the heart of the sea hd hindi torrent

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В течение трех с лишним месяцев они боролись за выживание посреди океана... It is here that we find out just what has been disturbing Nickerson all these years? How far will they go to survive? In the Heart of Sea 2015 Free Movie Download HD 720p. He was supposed to become Captain, but was robbed of his rank!

Synopsis In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex was assaulted by something no one could believe: a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance. The real-life maritime disaster would inspire Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. But that told only half the story. Braving storms, starvation, panic and despair, the men will call into question their deepest beliefs, from the value of their lives to the morality of their trade, as their captain searches for direction on the open sea and his first mate still seeks to bring the great whale down. In the winter of 1820, the New England whaling ship Essex was assaulted by something no one could believe: a whale of mammoth size and will, and an almost human sense of vengeance. The real-life maritime disaster would inspire Herman Melville's Moby-Dick. But that told only half the story. Braving storms, starvation, panic and despair, the men will call into question their deepest beliefs, from the value of their lives to the morality of their trade, as their captain searches for direction on the open sea and his first mate still seeks to bring the great whale down. Howard has landed a few solid genre films Ransom, Apollo 13... Thankfully, the connection with Moby Dick is a lot feebler; In the Heart of the Sea is an adaptation of Nathaniel Philbrick's excellent novel, based on a true event - the sinking of the ship Essex by a whale - which inspired Melville's classic. The movie commits three major narrative blunders. First, the usual, overwrought framing device, with survivor Nickerson Gleeson recounting the disaster and the crew's following ordeal to Melville Whishaw. Not only the meeting never happened Nickerson wrote down his memoirs for a minor writer, who never used them ; the movie keeps cutting to Nickerson and Melville, dissipating any tension and momentum the survivors' struggle may gather. Imagine a version of Cast Away where, every ten minutes on the island, we cut to a scene of Tom Hanks interviewed by a journalist after returning home. The most interesting element of Philbrick's novel is how Captain Pollard here played by Benjamin Walker , decent but irresolute, is the more sympathetic character, while first mate Chase Chris Hemsworth , harsh but determined, is the more charismatic. He was supposed to become Captain, but was robbed of his rank! He wasn't - Pollard was the Essex' previous first mate. Chase was popular among the crew! He wasn't, many feared and disliked him. Even Walker's supercilious Pollard eventually bows to Thor's superiority. A pity, because Chase would have been FAR more intriguing with his darker edges. Third problem: Howard's penchant for melodrama rears its ugly head. Director and scriptwriters felt the need to spice up this compelling story with inventions like the whale chasing the crew for weeks after the attack, or a one-harmed sailor warning them about the beast , while omitting details with the flavor of real life a sailor setting an island on fire out of sheer idiocy, a hunting party aborted after a terrible roar in a jaguar-infested jungle and crucial mistakes: Pollard wanted to sail to the Society Islands after the disaster, which would probably have saved many lives, but was irresolute enough to be persuaded by his officers to head to South America instead. The result is watchable, but lightweight - the one adjective one would NEVER use for the literary classic the movie so portentously tries to evoke. But the story told here takes a lot of liberties with what really happened to the Essex. Most importantly, the survivors of the Essex weren't stalked by one particular whale, as the movie suggests although they were apparently later attacked by an orca. Directed by Ron Howard, and starring Chris Hemwsorth as First Officer Chase and Benjamin Walker as Captain Pollard, this is really a movie that's more about human survival in desperate times. The movie is sympathetic to Chase and portrays Pollard as young and arrogant and the friction between the two is a significant part of the story. The truth is actually that it was Chase who made several mistakes that probably cost lives. But while the portrayal of that relationship may have been what drove this movie forward, basically, this is a movie about morality and how far we'll go to overcome the odds. In those ways, the movie is a good reflection on the plight of the Essex. Really, the actual attack by the whale while very well depicted doesn't take up all that much time in the movie. It's more the story of the crew and how they respond once the Essex sinks and they're left on the small whaling boats with little food or water and thousands of miles from the coast of South America. How far will they go to survive? Although most of the story is set on the Essex or its surviving whaleboats, I'd give credit to Gleeson for a very good performance. He captures the torment of Nickerson, who remains haunted 30 years later by his memories of what happened on that voyage on the Essex. In fact, I'd say generally that all the performances in this were good, and that Howard did a good job with directing. Here we can understand that giving life struggle in the middle of a big ocean and reflecting the thrill and thrill of the wild whale is reflected as a bad character in the film.

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