Hypothesis python documentation

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These will not work any more and you'll need to modify them. But having a library can help you a lot, making your tests easier to write, more robust, and better at finding bugs. It is always more fine grained than Python equality: Things considered! As a result we reduce the number of test cases and turn off the timeout. As a result python integer types are now serialized as strings, and some types have stopped using quite so needlessly large random seeds.

Hypothesis is a Python library for turning unit tests into generative tests, covering a far wider range of cases than you can manually. Rather than just testing for the things you already know about, Hypothesis goes out and actively hunts for bugs in your code. It usually finds them, and when it does it gives you simple and easy to read examples to demonstrate. Hypothesis is based on Quickcheck but is designed to have a naturally Pythonic API and integrate well with Python testing libraries. It's easy to use, extremely solid, and probably more devious than you are at finding edge cases. It's more than ready for you to use and it's easy to get started. Full documentation is available at or if you prefer you can skip straight to the quick start guide: Terry Reedy Iteresting. Some years ago, Vickor Stinner wrote a fuzzing module fusil? I believe he found some bugs in the stdlib with it. If and when it is accepted and added maybe 3. Rather than just testing for thethings you already know about, Hypothesis goes out and actively hunts forbugs in your code. It usually finds them, and when it does it gives you simple and easy to read examples to demonstrate. Some years ago, Vickor Stinner wrote a fuzzing module fusil? I believe he found some bugs in the stdlib with it. If and when it is accepted and added maybe 3. I'd somehow missed fusil, thanks. It looks interesting and I'll have a dig through it for ideas :- Hypothesis and fusil are aimed at somewhat different levels. Hypothesis is closer to being for unit testing I mean you can use it for integration testing and other things just as easily, but that's not strictly its strength whileas fusil looks better for testing whole programs. Rather than just testing for thethings you already know about, Hypothesis goes out and actively hunts forbugs in your code. It usually finds them, and when it does it gives you simple and easy to read examples to demonstrate. Some years ago, Vickor Stinner wrote a fuzzing module fusil? I believe he found some bugs in the stdlib with it. I'd somehow missed fusil, thanks. It looks interesting and I'll have a dig through it for ideas :- Hypothesis and fusil are aimed at somewhat different levels. Hypothesis is closer to being for unit testing I mean you can use it for integration testing and other things just as easily, but that's not strictly its strength whileas fusil looks better for testing whole programs. If and when it is accepted and added maybe 3. Having something like that as standard would be great for Hypothesis and I intend to support it once it becomes available. It will force me to finally figure out how to do staged APIs, with some versions of the API only supported on some versions of python, but I need to do that anyway. If and when it is accepted and added maybe 3. Having something like that as standard would be great for Hypothesis and I intend to support it once it becomes available. If and when it is accepted and added maybe 3. Having something like that as standard would be great for Hypothesis and I intend to support it once it becomes available. I'll pop over there and join in the discussion. This might involve just shipping a compatibility layer for previous versions of Python in with Hypothesis I believe Guido intends that typing. Ah, that would be useful. Does that include Python 2. The examples suggest yes. I really hate having to ask that. I don't want to support Python 2. David MacIver I actually haven't looked at it much. I've read some of the associated papers, but due to a mix of my not really knowing erlang well and it being proprietary it's not as useful for idea mining as I'd like it to be. I have some friends who are more extensive users of it who I've talked to a bit about it for feature comparisons though. Have you looked at the Erlang version of Quickcheck? It may have aspects more directly applicable to Python, since Erlang is dynamically typed like Python is. I actually haven't looked at it much. I've read some of the associated papers, but due to a mix of my not really knowing erlang well and it being proprietary it's not as useful for idea mining as I'd like it to be. I have some friends who are more extensive users of it who I've talked to a bit about it for feature comparisons though.

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